Chapter 7: The Twenties

Section 1: A Booming Economy

Terms/People to know:

Henry Ford, mass production, assembly line, bull market, buying on margin

Section main ideas:

1. How is the rise of the automobile an example of technology affecting attitudes or values?

2. Identify two potential signs of weakness in the economy of the 1920s, and predict what might happen if those problems are not solved.

3. Change is the intended result of a revolution. What changes do you think took place during the consumer revolution of the 1920s?

7.1 A booming economy

7.1 Section summary

Section 2: The Business of Government

Terms/People to know:

Kellogg-Briand Pact, Dawes Plan

Section main ideas:

1. How did the approach to government of Harding and Coolidge differ from that of the Progressives?

2. Do you think Harding should be held responsible for the scandals in his administration?

3. Many Americans in the 1920s seemed to support both isolationism and an active role in international affairs. Do you agree? Why or why not?

7.2 Business of government

7.2 Section summary

Section 3: Social and Cultural Tensions

Terms/People to know:

modernism, Scopes Trial, Ku Klux Klan, Prohibition, Eighteenth Amendment, Volstead Act, bootlegger

Section main ideas:

1. How did the two sides in the Scopes Trial represent conflicting value systems? What did each side value most?

2. Why do you think the revived Ku Klux Klan was able to spread beyond the South and even into some urban areas?

3. Why did support for the temperance movement increase during World War I?

7.3 Section summary

7.3 Social and Cultural tensions

Section 4: A New Mass Culture

Terms/People to know:

Charlie Chaplin, flapper, “Lost Generation”, F.Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway

Section main ideas:

1. How did the increased popularity of sports heroes and the disillusionment of the “Lost Generation” writers represent different responses to the same events?

2. How did the political role of American women change in the years after World War I?

3. How did flappers represent a shift in the attitude women had towards their roles in society?

7.4 A new mass culture

7.4 Note-taking

Section 5: The Harlem Renaissance

Terms/People to know:

Jazz, Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith, Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes

Section main ideas:

1. How did jazz blend cultural influences and cross cultural divides?

2. Why do you think Marcus Garvey rejected the goals of earlier African American leaders such as Washington and Du Bois?

3. What was one lasting impact of the Harlem Renaissance?

7.5 Note-taking

7.5 Section summary

Charlie Chaplin and the Lion’s Cage – from Phoenix Video

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