Podcast project


Project link here

  1. Person of the 20s
  2. Events in the 20s
  3. Inventions of the 20s
  4. Authors/artists/musicians/criminals/businessmen of the 20s
  5. Transportation/infrastructure
  6. Entertainment and sports of the 20s
  7. Religion of the 20s
  8. Magicians/Hollywood/movie stars
  9. Start of education/family strutures
  10. Fads and Trends
  11. Migration
  12. Post WW1 changes.
  13. Immigration and Minorities
  14. Food/snacks/culinary
  15. Medical advancement
  16. Economic Boom/trends/stock market
  17. Scandals/love affairs
  18. Newspaper/Radio Shows/Media

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Sharing your project

  1. Upload your Podcast to your WordPress website as a POST.
  2. Open up a new Word document.
  3. Put your name at the top.
  4. Create a catchy title.
  5. Write a 3-5 sentence description of your Podcast.
  6. Go to your website and click on your Podcast post (copy this url).
  7. Go here to create a QR code for your Podcast post.
    1. Click on URL and paste your Podcast post URL in the space provided.
    2. Access your QR code by downloading it to your computer.
  8. Copy/past the QR Code onto your Word document. Make it large enough so your classmates can access it.
  9. Write one question that your classmates will need to answer after listening to your Podcast.
  10. Print up your document.